Collect information about life styles of people living in deserts
Explanation: 1. The months of April, May and June are the hottest ones during the day. The average maximum and minimum temperatures remain 41 C to 24 C. while December, January and February are the coldest months with average maximum and minimum temperatures 28 C to 9 C. Rainfall varies from year to year. Most of the rain falls in the monsoon months between June and September whereas the winter rains are insignificant.
2. The rains play a important role in the life of all parts of desert as the water gets in small ponds which are used for drinking, washing and other uses. These ponds are the only source of water for animals and human. Sometimes sweet water comes out of a very deeply dug well. Then the housing units start increasing around that well. Digging the well is not so easy a number of times, it claims the lives of the well-diggers.
3. For most of the housing the main construction material of outer walls is unbaked bricks whereas wood is used in 10 per cent and baked bricks or stones with mud bonding in 8 per cent housing units. A large number of families still live in one room housing units formed with straws and thin wood- sticks The wind storm proves these straw houses are unsustainable all the times. But the poverty leaves no other option to these people living in straw houses.