Column B
a. Atc
b. At infinity
Match the following
Column A
1. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror
when the object is placed at infinity
2. Position of the image formed by a convex mirror
when the object is placed in front of it
& Position of the image formed by a concave mirror
when the object is placed between C and F
4 Position of the image formed by a concave mirror
when the object is placed at F
5. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror
when the object is placed at C
d. Beyond C
e. Behind the mirror
Asics 8
1 - c
2 - e
3 - d
4 - b
5 - a
1. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed at infinity - At F
➤ When the object is at infinity but the rays coming from it are parallel to principal axis.
- Image is real.
- Image is inverted.
- Images diminished to a point.
- Imagine is formed at principal focus, in front of the concave mirror.
2. Position of the image formed by a convex mirror when the object is placed in front of it - Behind the mirror
➤ When the object is placed in front, the image formed by a convex mirror.
- Image is virtual.
- Image is erect.
- Images diminished.
- Image is always formed behind the convex mirror.
3. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed between C and F - Beyond C
➤ When the object is in between of the centre of curvature and principal focus.
- Image is real.
- Image is inverted.
- Image is enlarged
- Images formed beyond the centre of curvature in front of concave mirror.
4. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed at F - At infinity
➤ When the object is at principal focus of concave mirror.
- Image is real.
- Image is inverted.
- Image is highly enlarged i.e, magnified.
- Image is formed at infinity, in front of the concave mirror.
5. Position of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed at C - At C
➤ When the object is at centre of curvature of concave mirror.
- Image is real.
- Image is inverted.
- Image is of the same size of object.
- Image is formed at the centre of curvature, in front of the concave mirror.