English, asked by smita80c, 1 year ago

Comment on the dominant variety of prose (narrative, expository or descriptive) present in each of the following passages. Write a brief critical appreciation of each passage in about 250 words each: a) In recent years there have been many studies that support the idea that developing compassion and altruism has a positive impact on our physical and emotional health. In one well-known experiment, for example, David McClelland, a psychologist at Harvard University, showed a group of students a film of Mother Teresa working among Calcutta‟s sick and poor. The students reported that the film stimulated feelings of compassion. Afterward, he analyzed the student‟s saliva and found an increase in immunoglobulin-A, an antibody that can help fight respiratory infections. In another study done by James House at the University of Michigan Research Center, investigators found that doing regular volunteer work, interacting with others in a warm and compassionate way, dramatically increased life expectancy, and probably overall vitality as well. Many other researchers in the new field of mind-body medicine have demonstrated similar findings, documenting that positive states of mind can improve our physical health. In addition to the beneficial effects on one‟s physical health, there is evidence that compassion and caring behaviour contributes to good emotional health. Studies have shown that reaching out to help others can induce a feeling of happiness, a calmer mind, and less depression. a) As giant waves swamped their boat and tossed it around, the six fishermen realized this


Answered by harshit216
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Answered by Nyaberiduke


prose is any literary work that is having a flow of events from the start to the end .there are many other genres of literature .prose is just one of them others include poetry ,drama ,plays and many others

prose is descriptive in nature ,it explores a story from the begining to the end ,usually prose is a kind of a story that may include many characters ,an example of a prose may include genres of literature such as novels ,narratives or short stories

narrative to me us the most common type of prose because this entails most of the novels that people publish    

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