Compare clayey and sandy soils.
Here is the answer to your question!!
* Soil particles are bigger in size.
* The large spaces between them are filled with air.
* Soil cannot retain water as water can drain out quickly through the spaces between the cell particle.
* It has higher proportion of fine and smooth soil particles.
* There is very little space between the soil particles.
* It cannot return air.
Hope it helped!!
Sandy Soils: Sandy Soils are soils that have low nutrient value. Their most prominent characteristics include higher acidity, light weight and dryness due to their inability to retain water. As the name suggests, that are majorly comprised of sand and have very little clay in them.
Clayey Soils: These soils are heavier in contrast to sandy soils and have higher nutrient value. They are also able to retain more water and have higher concentration of clay.