corect answers i need

In beaker A, the raisins would swell because water concentration is higher outside the
cell membrane. So more water enters the membrane than leaves it.
In beaker B, raisins will shrink because water concentration is less outside the cell membrane. So more water comes out of the membrane than enters.
A - hypotonic. B - hypertonic
Hydrogen gas exists as diatomic molecules, i.e. each hydrogen gas molecule (H2) has two atoms. While helium gas exists as monoatomic particle that is its atoms exist individually. Thus, one mole of hydrogen gas has double number of atoms as compare to one mole of helium gas.
(i) Rabies is the disease which spread by the bite of a stray dog.
(ii) Yes, a course of anti-rabies vaccine is available.
(iii) Yes, the local authority makes efforts to immunize all stray dogs.