Social Sciences, asked by daaditya50, 6 months ago

corruption is a social problem how?


Answered by tanu0775


The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated tax and licensing systems, numerous government departments with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers, monopoly of government controlled institutions on certain goods and services delivery, and the lack of transparent laws and processes.

Answered by violetsareblue12345


There is a famous quote that goes like this- Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power. So in basic terms , we as a citizen is always in hurry to get our thing done. We can easily notice this phenomena in our day to day life like in school, universities, government offices, you name any place you will find corruption in one or another form.

if we go to dictionary for its meaning we found many meanings of it, but i want to bring two meanings of it to notice because it serves my purpose. So the the first meaning is-- a dishonest or illegal behaviour especially by powerful people. Is it true that only powerful people indulge in the act. I think all of us will say ‘ NO' unanimously, because at the core evey one is corrupt, of course with some ‘honorable ‘ exceptions. And the second definition is - a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct. So the objection i have with the definition is that who will decide what is correct or not, one thing that is correct for one person that may not be correct for other. So corruption will creep in the process of making the decision that what is right. According to me corruption is a tool by which we try to make our life easier.

Corruption is problem of not only third world or poor countries but also rich or developed countries. That's why United Nations recognized it as a global problem dedicated to it a whole Sustainable Development Goal 16 that is Peace Justice And Strong Institutions. And if we talk it in term of India then it is one of the biggest problems before its development that's why in Corruption Perception Index 2020, india rank is 86th.

India is a poor countrie acording to per capita income we are way behind many countries, so, poverty brings many evil things like huge socio- economic inequalities,low level of education, gender inequality, low economic opportunities and freedom, division among group of societies and it leads to in group favouritism. And these are the general socioeconomic causes of corruption that are intertwined with each other.

And corruption gives birth to some unwanted consequences. And these are (1) Loss of credibility- because of this we are ready to bribe Babus and their clerks for our works because we have lost our faith in the system.

(2) Economic loss - the biggest and most prevalent example of it is our political system. Money and corruption are so embedded in it that no ordinary man with humble possessions can dream of going into politics. Now it is only reserved for strong men, business men, corrupt bureaucrats etc. And they come to power with big investments and once after voted into power they try to gain maximum returns. And who lost , ofcourse public , the citizen.

And third is connected with the above two causes, higher corruption leads to lower growth rate, if growth does not occur then there would be poverty.

To curb corruption Government of india has taken several steps time to time like Right to Information act 2005, Right to public service laws from this we get government services online within time bound, and anti corruption laws like Lokpal in center and state. But there is still many things to do to minimize corruption, because we can't eradicate it. And last but not least since corruption is very much a societal problem so the solution should also come from society. And we should be aware about our rights and duties. Because an informed citizen makes a nation prosperous and just.

Thank you for reading. And constructive criticism is always welcome

hope it is helpful

if it is ,make me a brainlist

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