covid - 19 lock down A mockover for mother
nature. [collect information and write how -
the corona Virus pandemic is affecting the
carbon dioxide emissions, how the rivers are-
much cleaner now, how the ozone layer es-
healing, how the animals are roaming freely-
In the streets how mature healed during
lock down) Support your views by drawing
As the transmission of novel corona virus (COVID-19) increases rapidly, the whole world adopted the curfew/lockdown activity with restriction of human mobility. The imposition of quarantine stopped all the commercial activity that greatly affects the various important environmental parameters which directly connected to human health. As all the types of social, economic, industrial and urbanization activity suddenly shut off, nature takes the advantages and showed improvement in the quality of air, cleaner rivers, less noise pollution, undisturbed and calm wildlife. This research aims to discuss the COVID-19 effect on the global environment. The outcome of this research says that “Although coronavirus vaccine is not available coronavirus itself is earth's vaccine and us humans are the virus”.
covid - 19 lock down A mockover for mother
nature. [collect information and write how -
the corona Virus pandemic is affecting the
carbon dioxide emissions, how the rivers are-
much cleaner now, how the ozone layer es-
healing, how the animals are roaming freely-
In the streets how mature healed during
lock down) Support your views by drawing
10.This is a table that shows the surface area (SA) to volume (V) ratio in three different sized cubes. C size (cm) S. area (cmsq)Volume IV (cc) SA:V ratio 2 24 8 4 96 64 1.5:1 6 216 216 1:1 Calculate the SA:V ratio for the 2 cm cube. *