creating a blog Do's and Don'ts
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The Do’s
1. Write Amazing Content
Content is King.
You can focus on everything else under the sun, but if your content isn’t able to draw people in and keep them around then it just won’t work. You can’t drive a car with no engine.
The best type of content is the type that is helpful and actionable. People are constantly looking to become better versions of themselves so if you can write content that is actionable and gives your audience something when they walk away from it, then you’ve done something good.
2. Post Frequently and Consistently
This is where a lot of people get hung up. Do you write every single day? Is it okay to only post a couple times a month?
The answer to both questions is yes. It is completely up to you. You might have another job besides blogging so writing every single day isn’t an option, but you can’t grow your audience without new content so you do need to write.
Come up with a publishing schedule and stick with.
The reason why many blogging experts say that you should post every single day is because the more content you have, the wider the net you are casting to attract an audience.
1. Plagiarize
It’s no secret that I steal ideas from other bloggers. I see what a blogger wrote and if I feel I can write a better version then I will do it.
Brian Dean calls it the Skyscraper Technique.
If someone writes a post about the 21 best headlines to use for a blog post then I’m going to try and think of 39.
2. Steal Photos
A big mistake beginning bloggers make is thinking they can go to Google, search for something, grab the image, and post it on their blog without any consequences.
You can get into some big trouble for this. Thankfully, there are a ton of awesome stock photo sites that you can use.
Don’t feel like paying for images? Then use a free stock site aggregator like Libre Stock. All of the images on there are public domain so use them to your heart’s content.
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