daisy, sunflower, rose,rajanigandha and marigold
above following flower group them in 5 ways
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Daisy = Shasta, California,Oxeye daisy,Chrysanthemum and Gerber daisy.
Sunflower = Giant Sunflower,Dwarf Sunflower,Colored Sunflower,Red Color
Sunflower ,Shrub Based Sunflower
Rose = Climbing, , Hybrid Musk, Hybrid Rugosa,
Hybrid Tea, Landscape.
Rajan iGandha = There are four types named on the basis of the number of
rows of petals they bear, namely single, double, semi
double and variegated. The Rajani gandha flower is
naturally available in three different colors which are
white, red and white
tinged with red.
Marigold = Tagetes and Calendu-la t.