Business Studies, asked by jots3328, 1 year ago

dash is considered a major element of political environment for class 12th Commerce Business Study​


Answered by itzJitesh


Meaning of Business Environment:

Business environment refers to forces and institutions outside the firm with which its members must deal to achieve the organisational purposes. Here

• Forces = economical, social, political, technological etc

• Institutions = suppliers, customers, competitors etc

It includes all those constraints and forces external to a business within which it operates. therefore,

• The firm must be aware of these external forces and institutions and

• The firm must be nagged keeping in mind these forces and institutions so that the organisational objectives are achieved. .

Features of Business Environment

1. Totality of external forces: Business environment is the sum total of all the forces/factors external to a business firm.

2. Specific and general forces: Business environment includes both specific and general forces. Specific forces include investors, competitors, customers etc. who influence business firm directly while general forces include social, political, economic, legal and technological conditions which affect a business firm indirectly.

3. Inter-relatedness: All the forces/factors of a business environment are closely interrelated. For example, increased awareness of health care has raised the demand for organic food and roasted snacks.

4. Dynamic: Business environment is dynamic in nature which keeps on changing with the change in technology, consumer’s fashion and tastes etc.

5. Uncertainty: Business environment is uncertain as it is difficult to predict the future environmental changes and their impact with full accuracy.

6. Complexity: Business environment is complex which is easy to understand in parts separately but it is difficult to understand in totality.

7. Relativity: Business environment is a relative concept whose impact differs from country to country, region to region and firm to firm. For example, a shift of preference from soft drinks to juices will be welcomed as an opportunity by juice making companies while a threat to soft drink manufacturers.

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