English, asked by ppasulasrinivas, 6 months ago

data analysis of covid 19 in​


Answered by chaganvagela488


Cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in India is increasing day by day. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) is a new virus of coronavirus family therefore not much information available, thus making it very difficult task to make medicine or vaccine for this virus as early as possible. So, it is very important to analyse the data and find meaningful insight in data so graph of cases that is increasing day by day can be flatten out. For current study, Karnataka state data has taken and Chi square test is performed to find relationship between gender (male and female), age group (less than 18, 19 to 40, 41 to 65 and greater than 65) and current status (recovered, hospitalized and deceased). Our results show that gender is independent of current status and age group is dependent upon current status and age group and gender relationship is also dependent.

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