define brown residue
It can be disconcerting to notice brown vaginal discharge in your underwear or when you wipe. Most of the time, it’s nothing to worry about. Brown discharge is usually related to spotting in the days before your period begins, or old blood from your period taking a bit longer to leave the uterus.
What is Brown Discharge?
Brown discharge is cervical mucus that is tinged with old blood. As blood ages in the body, it turns brown instead of a bright red. The color of your discharge changes during your cycle due to changes in your reproductive hormone levels. Cycle tracking can be helpful for understanding where you are in your cycle and what changes are occurring.
What Are the Different Types of Vaginal Discharge?
Vaginal discharge is the fluid that comes out of the vagina as a result of the bacteria and fluids secreted by your vaginal cells. During different phases of your menstrual cycle, you may notice different consistencies and colors. The amount and frequency of discharge can vary from woman to woman.
Here are the different types of discharge:
Brown: This is most common during your period; usually it’s just cervical mucus tinged with blood. It can also sometimes occur during early pregnancy—around the time that you expect your period (but don’t mistake it for implantation bleeding!)
Thick and white: This type of discharge is common just before or just after your period. If it’s accompanied by itching, you should talk to your doctor because it may indicate a yeast infection.
Clear and stretchy: Usually seen in the middle of your cycle, this type of discharge indicates that you are approaching ovulation and are highly fertile.
Clear and watery: Similar to clear and stretchy discharge, clear and watery discharge also indicates peak fertility—especially if there are copious amounts of it.
Yellow or green: Can be a sign of infection, especially if it’s chunky like cottage cheese, or has a foul smell. Talk to your doctor if you notice this type of discharge.
What Causes Brown Discharge?
In most cases, brown discharge is normal and nothing to be concerned about. You can best determine the cause of brown discharge by examining some of the other circumstances and symptoms that surround it. Possible causes of brown discharge include:
Sometimes during the beginning stages of menopause, you may experience brown discharge or spotting as a result of changes in your hormones. These early stages of menopause typically begin after the age of 40.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is an infection that can cause brown discharge. Its main characteristic is a fishy smell coming from the vagina coupled with brown colored discharge. Bacterial vaginosis is common in women who are pregnant, and the condition tends to occur as a result of imbalances in certain bacteria in the vagina.
Irritation to the cervix
Irritation to the cervix from things like a gynecological exam or pap smears and even over-enthusiastic sex can cause brown discharge.
Your period
Brown discharge does sometimes occur at the very beginning or very end of your period. If it is happening around the time that you usually expect your period, it might actually be part of your period.
Some women experience light, pinkish brown spotting that coincides with ovulation. Mid-cycle spotting is most likely caused by the dip in estrogen that occurs after ovulation.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
If it occurs in conjunction with irregular or missed periods, acne, weight gain or excess hair on the face or body, then brown discharge could be a symptom of PCOS. PCOS is a hormonal problem that is estimated to occur among 5-10% of young women and teens.
If it occurs with intense pelvic pain, and a very heavy period, brown discharge before or after your period can be a sign of endometriosis. It happens when the lining of the uterus begins to grow outside of the uterus, such as around the ovaries, rectum, fallopian tubes, or vagina. If you notice these symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away as severe cases of endometriosis can cause infertility if not treated.