Define consumer education. List the name of any one government and one non- government agency providing consumer education.
Hey friend,
Consumer education: It is the kind of education that is provided to the public in order for them to learn the basic skills that are required in order to survive in day to day life. It is very important for an individual to learn it.
Government agency: Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is the government agency providing consumer education
Non-government agency: Consumer forum and NGOs is the non-government agency providing consumer education.
I hope the answer was helpful.
Thanks for asking
Consumer education is teaching public and common citizens, their rights of using consumer goods that could benefit them.
Every citizen, rich or poor is supposed to have consumer education. There are many governmental and non-governmental organizations that work to spread consumer education.
Governmental organization: The governmental organization working for consumer education is Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Non-governmental organization: These are the organizations which are working with consumer affairs:
• Consumer Coordination Council Delhi
• VOICE Delhi
• Mumbai Grahak Panchayat
• Karnataka Consumer Service Society