define ecosystem ........
An ecosystem is an organisation of all living organisms dependent and their physical environment on each other for their survival.
Ecosystem :
✴Ecosystem is defined as a community of living organisms in related with the non -living components of their environment.. interacting as a system.
✴An ecosystem can be visualised as a functional unit of nature.
✴Ecosystem varies greatly in size from small pond to a large forest or a Sea.
Types of Ecosystem :
✴The ecosystem is divided into two categories..
✴Terrestrial and aquatic.
✴Terrestrial includes Forest,, Grassland,, desert..
✴Aquatic includes Pond,, Lake,, Wetland,, River,, Estuary.
✴Crop fields and aquarium are considered as man made ecosystem..
Components of the ecosystem :
✴Energy flow
✴Nutrient cycling..