Economy, asked by arbind5, 1 year ago

define seasonal unemployment industrial unemployment educated unemployment and distinguished unemployment


Answered by cosmonaut
seasonal unemployment is when someone don't get work for a particular season. eg= many farm labourerers are employed only during sowing season and harvesting season but are unemployed for rest of the season

Industrial unemployment is when people are willing to work in industries but are not getting jobs

educated unemployment is when people who are educated and in search of work do not get any work

disguised unemployment is when there are so many people working on a field but all are not needed
Answered by babunagendra43


There are three main types of unemployment: cyclical, structural, and frictional.   The first type is, unfortunately, most familiar. It occurs during a recession. The second two make up the natural unemployment rate.


1)Cyclical unemployment is caused by the contraction phase of the business cycle. That's when demand for goods and services fall dramatically. It forces businesses to lay off large numbers of workers to cut costs.

2)Frictional unemployment occurs when workers leave their old jobs but haven't yet found new ones.   Most of the time workers leave voluntarily, either because they need to move, or they've saved up enough money to allow them to look for a better job.

3)Structural unemployment exists when shifts occur in the economy that creates a mismatch between the skills workers have and the skills needed by employers.

4)Natural unemployment consists of two of the three main types of unemployment: frictional and structural. It explains why there will always be some level of unemployment, even in a healthy economy. People will always be changing jobs, and sometimes they leave a job before finding a new one. There will always be some people with skills that are no longer needed.

5)Long-term unemployment occurs for those actively looking for a job for over 27 weeks.   The effects are devastating. Many employers overlook someone who's been looking for that long. The emotional and financial costs can be very damaging, according to a Pew Research Survey.    For example, 38% have lost self-respect. Almost 30% said their new job was worse than their old one. Sadly, 43% said they will have a hard time achieving their career goals.

6)You might also hear of seasonal unemployment as another type of unemployment. Like its name suggests seasonal unemployment results from regular changes in the season. Workers affected by seasonal unemployment include resort workers, ski instructors, and ice cream vendors. It could also include people who harvest crops. Construction workers are laid off in the winter, in most parts of the country. School employees can also be considered seasonal workers.

7)Underemployed workers have jobs, but they aren't working to their full capacity or skill level.   This includes those who are working part-time but would prefer full-time jobs. It also includes those who are working in jobs where they aren't being utilized. Underemployment is often caused by cyclical unemployment. During a recession, underemployed workers will take what they can to make ends meet.

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