Describe Antonio as your favourite main characters.
(Merchant of Venice)
Antonio is my favorite character in The merchant of Venice because he is always ready to help the ones who are in need of money and gives them loan without charging any interest as Shylock. But specially to Bassanio, his dearest friend and who is also a spendthrift. Who wastes all his money in living luxurious life. At the end of the play we can see how Antonio is not able to pay the dept to Shylock and is ready to die for his friend Bassanio.
Heya !!!!
Antonio was one of the main character of the Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice. He is the best friend of Bassanio and shares a good relation with his other friends such as Gratiano, Salarino and Salario. He can be called a pure soul as he is kind towards everyone and lends money without any interest.