Describe the different approaches of categories TLM with example
There are different approaches of categorizing the teaching and learning materials or TLM. They are:
1. On the basis of the material used
a. Projected - The teaching and learning materials which project the ideas related to the lesson in order to give a clear picture to the students are called projected aids. Many new aids of this kind have been developed due to the advancement of science and technology. Some common examples of projected aids are slide projectors, filmstrip projectors, TVs and VCRs.
b. Non- Projected - The aids which are used to help the student to remember things by looking at the information conveyed through writing and drawing are called non-projected teaching aids. They mostly consist of traditional TLM like the chalkboards, flannel boards and whiteboards.
2. They are categorized as visual, audio, and audio-visual teaching aids.
a. Visual aids
The teaching and learning materials which use the sense of vision to augment learning are known as visual aids. These include traditional teaching aids like actual objects, charts, models, maps, pictures, flash cards, bulletin boards, flannel boards and chalkboards. They also include technological equipment like slides and overhead projectors. Among them the traditional black board and chalk are the most common ones.
b. Audio aids
The teaching aids which involve the sense of hearing are known as audio aids. They help to learn and retain things. They also make the class interesting. They grab the attention of the students. They get motivated to learn. Some of the audio aids which can be used by the teachers are radio, gramophone and tape recorder.
c. Audio-Visual aids
Audio-visual aids involve the sense of vision and hearing. They are very useful as they appeal to two sense organs. The students can understand the concept comprehensively. They can easily remember what they see and hear. Some of the audio-visual aids that can be used in the teaching and learning process are televisions, film strips and film projectors.
3. On the basis of the learners' participation.
a. Kinesthetic - When this type of aids are used the learners are active, they participate in handling, altering or manipulating the item.
b. Observational - Learners are passive, they observe the item.