Describe the EPQ-R in detail.
*View/download instrument: Eysenck Personality *Questionnaire (EPQ-R) – short version (Italian).
*Author/Developer / Address : Hans Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck
*Publication dates : 1975
*Description / Type of assessment : The EPQ-R is a 48 yes/no self-administre questionnaire
*Primary use / Purpose : The EPQ is a questionnaire to assess the personality traits of a person
Domains measured / Life Areas / *Problems Assessed : The EPQ measures the personality traits, usually called temperament, in 4 scales, P-Psychoticism or Tough- Mindedness, E-Extraversion, N-Neuroticism or Emotionality and L-Lie.
*'N' scale : neuroticism or emotionality, is sometimes called the Neurotic scale. Those scoring high on the N scale are characterised by instability, nervousness and general anxiety. '*E' scale : extroversion-introversion. Those scoring high on the E scale are characterised by extroversion, good mixer, sociability, impulsiveness, a tendancy to became aggressive. *'P' scale : psychoticism or tough-mindedness, or psychotic scale is generally considered a measurement of hostility. *'L' scale. : lie scales are constructed from items listing issues and behaviours which are either socially desirable but infrequently practised or frequently practised but socially undesirable.
*Population. : Adolescents and adults.
*Administration / Completion time : About 10 minutes
Scoring procedures: Scoring procedures are specified in the user's manual.
*Scoring time : Hand-scoring requires about a minute per form.
*Credentials/Training : Not necessary. See instructions in the manual.
*Source of psychometrics : The manual.
*Languages : Original language English. EPQ has been translated into Italian (see attachement), Greek, Turkish, Spanish.
*Price : The EPQ costs from 37 up to 140 Euros depending on the version. Generally a Public Authority can use the this kind of instrument by asking permission from the author and citing the reference. Additional information and non-validated versions are available on the web for free.
*Practicability / usefulness : As the EPQ is a self-reported questionnaire, it can be easily used for research purposes in a large population such as teenagers attending schools. The EPQ can be included in larger studies aiming to measure, for example, drug dependence and risk behaviours.