describe the impact of first world war on Russian Empire by bolsheviks immediately after the October revolution please answer correctly
The Russian Revolution was a period of political and social revolution across the territory of the Russian Empire, ... The situation climaxed with the October Revolution in 1917, a ...
Hey mate here is your answer
petrograd was given in the winter of 1917.heavy food storage in workers quarters. parliamentary wishing to preserve elected government were opposed to tsar s desired to dissolved duma
on 22 February a lockout took place at a factory is followed by a site next day demonstrating workers cost from the factory quarter to capital no political party party organized this movement
government impost curfew and later suspended the duma.The police headquarters was ransacked people raised slogans about bread butter better hour and democracy Calvary called out government to control them.
Peterograd Soviet was formed by soldiers and striking workers on advice of military commanders Tsar abdicated soviets and duma leader form the provisional government to run the country
Russian future to be decided by the constitution assembly elected to universal adult suffrage period of that had let the February revolution that brought down monarchy in 1917