Difference between ammonotelism ureotelism and uricotelism
Here is your answer :
1) Excretory waste is ammonia (NH3)
2) It is the characteristic of aquatic animals such as protozoans, sponges,colentreates, crucuteans, bony fishes and echinoderms.
3) Excess of water is required to eliminate ammonia. It is highly toxic.
4) Water loss is about 300-500 ml to remove one gram of ammonia.
5) Ammonia is formed in liver cells by the deamination of the amino acids.
Ureotelism :
1) Excretory waste is urea (NH-CO-Nhj)
2) It is the characteristic of mammals, cartilianges fishes eg. dogfish and amphibians etc..
3) Less water is needed, urea is less toxic than ammonia. It can be retained some time in body without any harmful effect.
4) Water loss is about 50 ml to eliminate one gram of urea.
5) Urea is formed in liver by detoxification of ammonia.
Uricotelism :
1) Excretory waste is uric acid
2) It is the characteristic of terrestrial reptiles and insects. All birds are uricotelic.
3) Much water less is needed. Uric acid is least toxic.
4) Water loss is about 10 ml to excrete out one gram of uric acid.
5) Uric acid is formed mainly from the purines in liver cells. In insects uric acid is formed in malphigian tubules.
Hope it helps you !!!
Thank you
Answer is for Class 11 Biology Student.
Excreting metabolic wastes in the form of ammonia is called ammonotelism.
Most of the aquatic forms like protozoans, sponges, cnidarians, flatworms, nematodes, echinoderms, bony fish, aquatic amphibians (tadpole), aquatic insects etc. are ammonotelic in nature.
Ammonia is the most toxic form of metabolic wastes and requires large amount of water for its elimination. As it is readily soluble, is excreted by diffusion across body surface or through gill surface (in fish) as ammonium ions.
Excretion of urea as nitrogenous waste is called ureotelism.
Urea is less toxic than ammonia and needs less water for its removal from the body.
Ammonia produced by metabolism is converted into urea in liver and released into blood which is filtered and excreted out by the kidneys.
Mammals, terrestrial amphibians, aquatic reptiles (turtles) and marine fishes mainly excrete urea and are called ureotelic animals.
Excretion of uric acid as nitrogenous waste is called uricotelism.
Uric acid is least toxic and is removed with a minimum loss of water.
Reptiles, birds, terrestrial snails and insects are uricotelic animals.
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