Difference between small intestine and large intestine?
1. appandicea applolcale absent in small intestine
2.ab toenie coil absent in small intestine
3.sacculautions absent in small intestine
4.distensibility are diameter are in less density and less diameter
5.peyer patches are present in ileum
6.common site for small intestine are
intestine worms
1.appandilicea alpilocale present in large intestine
2.ab townie coil present in large intestine
3.sacculautions absent in small intestine
4.dkstemsibility and diameter are in more and more in diameter
5.payer patches are absent I'm ileum
6.common site for large intestine are
entamoeba histological
dysemtery organism
It is about 4.5 to 7.0m in length. It is narrow with a width of 3.5-4.5 cm. It is 1.5m in Length. It is wide with a width of 4-6 cm
It has three parts as duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. It has four parts as colon, rectum, caecum and, anal canal.
It has villi present on the surface. Villi are absent.
it contains the lymphoid tissues called Peyer's Patches. Peyer's patches are absent.
It performs the major steps of digestion and completes the process of digestion. It has no role in digestion.
It actively absorbs the nutrients from the digested food. It is involved in the absorption of water.
It secretes numerous hormones from the intestinal glands. No hormones are secreted.
It shows the presence of bands of muscles. Bands of muscles are reduced in it.