Social Sciences, asked by yp7o5ojushelpoora, 1 year ago

Differentiate between the 3 types of tectonic plates


Answered by johney
Divergent:      Almost all the Earth's new crust forms at divergent boundaries, but most are not known because they lie deep under the oceans. These are zones where two plates move away from each other, allowing magma from the mantle to rise up and make a new crust. Divergent boundaries are where the plates move apart. Seafloor spreading is a procces in which the magma creates new land under water and this process takes over millions of years to form a ten foot hill cause the growth ranges from two-ten centimeters per year. The magma is buoyant and creates more ridges and an example of this is Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 
Convergent: convergent  is collision of two plates. A collision of a less dense continental plate with a more  denser oceanic plate collides with a continental plate and the ocean plate goes under the continental plate. This takes a great deal of energy and results in the melting the continental crust, vulcanism occurs. The kinds of volcanoes which can occur depends on the chemical composition of the magma which desides its viscosity and there are three different types of flow one is Basaltic is wheni t makes lava plains or sheild valcanos, Andesite is when it  makes strato-volcanoes , Dacite or rhyolite is when it makes a crater such as St. Helens.
Transform:       here two plates slide by one another in opposite directions. The San Andreas Fault is the most well-known (and most deadly) translational interface. The two plates slides by one another along a large scale fault. Since these are two large pieces of rock, there is a great deal of frictional coupling that occurs. Sometimes the plates get locked in some local region and great deal of strain energy is stored in that region. Eventually, the strain energy builds up to the point where the it is suddenly released which creates a large scale earthquake.In a transverse wave the particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. one-dimensional transverse plane wave propagating from left to right. The particles do not move along with the wave; they simply oscillate up and down about their individual positions as the wave passes by.

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