CBSE BOARD XII, asked by nandini807, 9 months ago

Disadvantage of multi- partism


Answered by hareesh11


What are the disadvantages and advantages of multi party rule?

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A multiparty setup has the advantage of encouraging a higher voter turnout. It typically ensures greater transparency in governance. A country with a diverse population is better represented by a multiparty system. However, a multiparty system can also fall prey to party manipulations and political agendas of diverse groups.A multiparty system also encourages maximum participation from diverse political, ethnic and social groups. This can be an advantage if there is genuine desire to govern and legislate rightfully. Otherwise, very little gets done by way of governance and legislation, as infi

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There are advantages and disadvantages to multi-party rule. One could write a book on the topic, but I will concentrate on one issue. Under a two-party system it is almost impossible to get rid of a bad party. A third party has the almost impossible task of going from minor party to major party in one election cycle. Otherwise, most voters will strategically vote for one of the major parties even if they don’t like it. A new party hasn’t emerged since 1860. Instead, the two major parties must evolve—sometimes all the way to their opposite. The Republican and Democratic parties have gradually changed to switch places. The Republican Party started as a party of reform and change. The Democratic Party at that time was defender of status quo and racial prejudice. Of course, the long tale of the two parties is not so simple, having many twists and surprises. But the two parties have one thing in common—they want to keep their political monopoly. Their opposition to each other turns to cooperation if either is challenged.

Some multi-party systems are actually two party systems in which one of the two major parties is periodically replaced by one of the minor parties. This is a faster way of change than gradual party evolution. That’s what we need now. We currently have two bad parties dedicated to their status own quo and resistant to internal or external reform. It would be a good thing if one or both of these parties could be replaced, even if it were by a party with a similar ideology but different organization. And perhaps we will see that.

The Democratic Party was almost defeated from within by a candidate who is not a Democrat (Independent Bernie Sanders). But that party has drawn in the wagons by reelecting Nancy Pelosi as house minority leader and appears unwilling to reevaluate based on its loss. The Republican Party was defeated from within by a candidate who was not really a Republican. It remains to be see whether Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party, give it a new life with his ideology, or make political parties irrelevant. If things really go downhill within both parties, perhaps we will be ready to consider other alternatives.

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