Math, asked by vatsalyarathore0904, 4 months ago

disadvantages of automobiles


Answered by micao



Take control on humans

So much expensive


Answered by anilkumarbiswal

Step-by-step explanation:

Talking about automobiles, there are environmental disadvantages mainly and are widely affecting the earth and human lives.

The disadvantages of automobiles are as follows :

Air Pollution : Automobiles like motor vehicles account for 34% of NO2 released into the atmosphere, 51% of CO, 10% of the particulate and 33% of CO2 are the causes of acid rain and increase the growth of algae. Particulate,(soot) causes haze and pollutes ground water. CO is a poisonous gas capable of causing death in large doses, headaches, loss of breath and nausea is smaller doses. CO2 is a major contributor to global warming.

Water Pollution : Automobiles pollute water sources in many ways : The runoff of automotive fluids, brake dust, deicing chemicals and oil and through leaking pumps at gas stations. Improper disposal of motor oil is also a cause of ground water contamination.

Solid Waste : More than 10 million cars are scrapped each year. About 25% of these cars are not recycled and end up in landfills. Several hundred million tires are scrapped every year.

Land Space : Hundreds of millions of automobiles on the road take up more than 13,000 square miles of land. Approximately 4,000 square miles are covered with urban roads.

Energy Use : Automobiles use up a large percentage of available fossil fuels.

Noise Pollution : Automobiles account for much of the noise in major cities.

There are a very few disadvantages of automobiles but right now I only can think of two:

Rolling resistance. Automobiles use rubber tires that roll on tarmac. Their typical rolling resistance is mucjh higher than for example steel wheels on steel rails (like the trains use). Having much greater roling resistance than trains they are not as energy efficient as trains. So they do consume more energy (fuel) than trains for moving the same cargo over the same distance

Speed. Even if cars are ussually faster than trains (not all trains though) they are much slower than planes. And besides that daily commuting by driving in bumper to bumper traffic will transform the joy of driving into a nightmare. So for daily commute a car isn’t a very effective means of transportation. But what could be better than the car for daily commute? I don’t know…probably personal helicopter, public transportation is out of the question

So cars are less energy efficient than trains and slower than planes but they give you the freedom of travel. Everybody knows the shear joy of driving when you have a gas tank that is full and an open and empty road in front of you. But that pleasure is felt rarely in present times. Most of the people use the car for daily commute in extremely heavy traffic when their cars are crawling so no, no pleasure here.

And for those answers that stated that automobiles are polluting….this statement isn’t actually true, this “pollution made by cars” is only political propaganda that is promoted by eco-whacko groups. Let us think for a moment….I won’t demonstrate here why cars do not pollute, they are burning fuel, and fire was known by humankind from the oldest times. Fire is a phenomenon that occurs even naturally so it can’t pollute. It does not matter whatever you are burning (wood, coal, oil) fire is fire and it does not pollute. But let’s assume for a moment that cars do pollute the environment. Wouldn’t this mean that other means of transportation also pollute the envirnoment? As far as I know Planes, trains and sea ships still burn fuel to travel…and what about some trains that are powered by electricity? In this case you should ask where the electricity comes from? Well you know..from coal. So no, pollution is not a disadvantage, it is not real and even if it was that would mean that the other means of transportation are also polluting. The main disadvantages of automobiles are higher rolling resistance meaning less energy efficiency and slower speed (compared to planes/helicopters or in bumper to bumper heavy traffic).

The Environmental Disadvantages of Cars

Air Pollution. Motor vehicles account for 34 percent of nitrogen dioxide released into the atmosphere. ...

Water Pollution. Cars pollute water sources in a variety of ways. ...

Solid Waste. The environmental impact of cars does not end once a car stops being driven.

Land Space.

Energy Use.

Noise Pollution.

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