Discuss the socio-economic and cultural life under the palas.
The Palas:
Gopala Cir. 750-770 A.D.:
The establishment of the Pala rule in Bengal during the middle of the eighth century A.D. was landmark in the history of Bengal. From that time it is possible to write the complete history of Bengal on the basis of historical materials.
By electing Gapala to the throne of Bengal the leading persons of Bengal of that time had given proof of their sense of nationalism and patriotism. By placing a capable man like Gopala on the throne of Bengal they gave proofs of their far-sightedness, self-lessness and their solicitousness for the well-being of the people of the country.
Gopala ascended the throne of Bengal with the good will and the willing allegiance of the people of Bengal. Although we know of his father Bapyat and grand-father Dayitvshnu from his inscription, yet the manner in which reference has been made to them raises the presumption that they were commoners.
Gopala’s first task was the removal of lawlessness and disorder from the country which he did without delay and thereby fulfilled the expectation of the people of Bengal. His reign was occupied largely by war for bringing about peace and to ward off foreign invasions.
His efforts were crowned with success and Bengal enjoyed a period of peace and prosperity under him. He founded the Pala dynasty of Bengal. Although much is not known about his reign, it is believed that he brought whole of Bengal under his sway. The exact length of his reign is also not definitely known.