English, asked by Kingbonyane, 6 months ago

Discuss THREE measures that the national government has put in place to regulate/minimise the spread of the virus


Answered by anuska6164


Rules for preschools

Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitiser.

Hand sanitisers should contain at least 60–80% alcohol (ethanol, isopropanol)

and are for external use only.

Do not use household cleaning products and disinfectants to clean or sanitise your skin.

Wash or sanitise your hands every time you touch a door handle (e.g., when entering or exiting a classroom, going to or coming from the toilet), a stair railing or other surfaces.

Do not touch your face (eyes, nose and mouth) with dirty/unwashed hands.

Keep a sufficient safety distance from others (at least 1.5 or 2 m).

Gathering in groups along the entire school perimeter, except in the homeroom, is advised against.

Practice appropriate cough hygiene (cover your mouth and nose with a tissue before coughing or sneezing, or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve). Discard the tissue immediately into a bin and wash your hands with soap and water afterwards.

Air the rooms thoroughly several times a day, preferably after each class (open the windows wide). Only children and staff may enter the school building. Others may only enter if necessary and upon prior notice, adhering to all the necessary measures (face masks, hand and cough hygiene).

Parents should hold office hours with the teachers or obtain information from them by phone or online.

Video meetings are recommended and given priority over all other types of meetings.

Holding or attending any events (e.g., concerts, celebrations, exhibitions or literary evenings) is not recommended. Only events attended by students from the same class, without external participants, are permissible

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