Physics, asked by sunny273, 1 year ago

discuss three methods for producing coherent sources


Answered by fauzaanahmed61
Generally coherence in interference is obtained by two methods (1) Division of wave front where wavefront is divided into two parts by reflection, refraction or diffraction and those two parts reunite at a small angle to produce interference as done in case of Young's double slit experiment and Fresnel's biprism experiment. (2) Division of amplitude where amplitude of a section of wavefront is divided into two parts and reunited later to produce interference such as in case of thin films. Doing Young's Double slit is easier. Just punch two pin holes on a cardboard, very close to each other and place a monochromatic light source behind it, exactly between the two holes.

I know 2 only
Answered by agnihotrikartik

Answer:actually there are mainly two main methods available. No 3rd method is there

Explanation:no explanation required

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