Biology, asked by Ishan007, 1 year ago

Do guard cells help in gaseous exchange during photosynthesis??

magzzzz: Evaporation through leaves is called Transpiration. Water evaporates through stomata of leaves and lenticels of stem.


Answered by GowriShankar
Yes guard cells help in gaseous exchange during photosynthesis.Only when the guard cells opens , then only the gases enter into the plant

Ishan007: its the same for respiration,right?
GowriShankar: sssssss
Ishan007: does it even help in evaporation of water during transpiration??
GowriShankar: sssssss
Answered by magzzzz
Yes gaurd cells help in gaseous exchange during photosynthesis. As stomata is place where exchange of gasses takes place. Gaurd cells open and gaseous exchange takes place in stomata.

Ishan007: does it even help in evaporation of water during transpiration?
Angella: Yes. When the guard cells become turgid, the stomatal pore opens. It is through this stomatal pore, the water evaporates out during transpiration. Hence, the guard cells help in transpiration too.
dshrei: yes guard cells when open allow the gaseous exchange
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