Draw flowcharts for solving the following problems:
1. Draw a flow to accept 2 numbers and display their sum, product, difference,
remainder and quotient
2. Draw a flowchart to find largest of three numbers
3. Draw a flowchart to find whether a given number is odd or even.
4. Draw a flowchart to find the sum of all even numbers from given numbers(n).
5. Draw a flowchart to find the smallest number among n numbers.
6. Draw a flowchart to reverse a number
7. Draw a flowchart to display Fibonacci series upto .n terms.
8. Draw a flowchart to display the factorial of a number.
9. Draw a flowchart to find the reverse of a number.
10.Draw a flowchart to read a number and check for its PRIMENESS.
11.Draw a flowchart to read a number and print all its factors and also find their sum
12.Draw a flowchart to take input of a n integer and check for armstrong number
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Sodium metal is very reactive. It reacts vigorously with oxygen and water. A lot of heat is generated in this reaction. Hence, it is stored in kerosene. To test for the release of hydrogen gas, place a lighted splint over the reacting metal - if it "pops" then hydrogen is present.
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