duty is god debate
For many of us, the first time that we understood the awesome expanse of the universe, the indescribable power of the sun, or the breath-taking complexity and beauty of a single cell, we were driven by a deep desire to know and to be known by the Creator of all this splendor. As the Apostle Paul put it, For since the foundation, the creation of the world, his invisible attributes have been known by that which is made, even his godhead and eternal power.
For many others however, the universe and all it contains, while amazing, is the product of mere chance, a random collection of molecules that ultimately does not point toward the hand of a Creator, and in fact has no meaning at all. As the famous Harvard paleontologist George Simpson put it, “Man is the product of a random and purposeless process that never had him in mind.” As our knowledge of science has increased over the years, many of us have asked the question, “Did God create us and all that is seen, in him and through him, or have we by an innate fear or a need for significance and purpose, created God?”