English, asked by yuvrajpardhi1060, 1 year ago

eassy on :- I know the world will end tommrow please give me and urgently


Answered by CosmicFiasco


Do you expect the world to end? Will humans leave the world to another life form soon? These questions have plagued man since his inception on this planet. Humans have, in every culture, have made predictions of how and when the world will end. We have done this either through religion or just average men or women who say they have the sight to see the future. Do we consider religion false and seers charlatans? We must first look at the worlds myths about the end of the world, or as is called from the Greek, apocalypse. We will examine myths from Christianity, Hindu, Norse and Mayan/Aztec cultures. 

A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up” (NIV, 1999). The Anti-Christ takes over the world for Satan and tries to kill Gods chosen people and finally make war with them, only to lose and then both are judged and then thrown into a lake of fire with the rest that did not believe in Christ and his salvation. In the end God and Christ bring heaven to earth and those who believed in them will inherent the earth, newly restored. We can see that the world as we know it will be destroyed and then this prophecy gives hope that there will be a new beginning. This destruction and reformation of the world is also prevalent in Islamic and Judaism culture. Another cultural myth is the Wars of Hindu mythology. In the Hindu teachings, The Wars of Hindu mythology depict great heroes and demons in combat of universal magnitude, overflowing with the tremendous power of celestial weapons, religious theology, the unexplained, and mystical beings. “While no Hindu epic or scripture fails to describe the horrors of war and its fallout, major wars are fought with a religious purpose: often to eliminate demonic beings, or lords and rulers who pursue war wantonly for ambition and domination. 

Where are we going? This is a fundamental question, one of several asked by the founders and thinkers of the world's largest religions. 

*Hope it works out for you :) *

yuvrajpardhi1060: hi
CosmicFiasco: Yo
yuvrajpardhi1060: where you live
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