eassy on present condition of kashmir valley
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When it comes to Kashmir conflict, I believe it is redundant to use 'current' before ‘situation' because there's never a new story.
Before I talk about the conflict, I would like to talk about the current situation of J&K or IAH(Indian Administered Kashmir) to be precise.
Last year, a member of Parliament (T. H. Karra) resigned to protest the killing of civilians during a security breakdown. So, By-polls were scheduled in the first week of April, 2017 for the vacant seat. Local pro-freedom leaders had called for a boycott of the election. On the election day, thousands of protestors charged into election booths, pelting stones and petrol bombs and setting ablaze government vehicles. Responding to the violence, security forces opened fire that may have killed around 8 of them. One dozen polling stations were shut down and the turnout was a meagre 6.5%. Karra resigned quoting the atrocities on the public as the reason and the By-polls made it worse.
Sadly, Killings are a mundane affair in J&K.
The same Kashmir gave a figure of 63% turnout in 2008. Kashmiris had become optimistic about the political process then. What changed in these years?
From 63% to 6.5% in 9 years.
I believe the problem is with the poor governance in the region. During 2008, India confused the presence of silence in the region with the presence of peace. Indifference from Delhi and zero progress on the peace talks with Pakistan kept the aspiration for 'Azaadi' alive among the Kashmiris. Suspicion among the Muslims in the region about anti-muslim agenda of BJP in power(BJP+ PDP alliance then) was another reason behind the growing unrest. Killing of Burhan Wani is another important episode to explain the cause of unrest in the region.
Burhan Wani:
Kashmiris' perspective: An educated kashmiri youth who chose to stand against the atrocities and human rights abuses.
India's perspective: A Kashmiri commander of the Pakistan-backed Hizb-ul-Mujahedeen.
Wani's death erupted a long-dormant resentment and thousands came out to attend his funeral. 100s were killed in an ill-managed response by the Indian forces? I don't know if it was right. India was caught off-guard seeing hundreds in the streets attending a terrorists' funeral!
The situation in the region has become worse since then. Kashmiris’ lives are sandwiched between the military exercise of Indian and Pakistani army in the LOC region.
Kashmir Conflict:
Now, I would like to talk about the current situation in the Kashmir Conflict.
The article I was talking about in the aforementioned para had a person's statement about the recent killings of protestors in the wake of violent protests.
Among many other things, Sartaj Aziz (Adviser to Pakistan PM on foreign affairs) said, “We call upon the international community to urge India to put an immediate end to the ongoing bloodshed of innocent Kashmiris and behave as a responsible member of the international community by honouring its commitments to hold a transparent, free and fair plebiscite under the auspices of the UN in accordance with the UNSC resolutions to ascertain the wishes of the Kashmiri people.”
Seriously, Sartaj?
The current situation in the Kashmir Conflict(Sorry for putting you through the pain of reading ^ ) is that Pakistan is using every possible opportunity to hit out at India and is pretending to be the facilitator in the peace talks. The truth however is different.
They keep shouting Plebiscite.. Plebiscite.. Plebiscite. I wonder if they have ever looked at the UNSC
Are they willing to remove their Nationals from POK? No. India has to keep its military to a bare minimum, just what's required to ensure proper law and order. The following text in the resolution says. India would never risk of withdrawing forces unless Pakistan is willing to go ahead with what UN says. I don't understand why they keep bringing the talk of 'Plebiscite'.
Plebiscite is not gonna happen. Who's obstructing the peace talks?
They’re cunning. They've allowed Pakistani Nationals to settle in the AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan region. They funded the Islamic radicals who were responsible for the Mass-migration of Pundits from Kashmir valley.
India has Article 370 instead. It forbids any Indian national to settle in J&K. The demographic has not been tampered by India.
Even if a Plebiscite were to happen, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan would most certainly opt to stay with Pakistan. Kashmir would still cry for independence. Jammu and Ladakh region would opt India. China has Sakshgam Valley. Thanks to Pakistan.
Imagine the mess!
I hope Modi government provides the people of J&K what they deserve being Indian citizens. Proper governance is the need of the hour. The key to resolving the territorial-conflict lies in the hands of Pakistan. It had always been.
Before I talk about the conflict, I would like to talk about the current situation of J&K or IAH(Indian Administered Kashmir) to be precise.
Last year, a member of Parliament (T. H. Karra) resigned to protest the killing of civilians during a security breakdown. So, By-polls were scheduled in the first week of April, 2017 for the vacant seat. Local pro-freedom leaders had called for a boycott of the election. On the election day, thousands of protestors charged into election booths, pelting stones and petrol bombs and setting ablaze government vehicles. Responding to the violence, security forces opened fire that may have killed around 8 of them. One dozen polling stations were shut down and the turnout was a meagre 6.5%. Karra resigned quoting the atrocities on the public as the reason and the By-polls made it worse.
Sadly, Killings are a mundane affair in J&K.
The same Kashmir gave a figure of 63% turnout in 2008. Kashmiris had become optimistic about the political process then. What changed in these years?
From 63% to 6.5% in 9 years.
I believe the problem is with the poor governance in the region. During 2008, India confused the presence of silence in the region with the presence of peace. Indifference from Delhi and zero progress on the peace talks with Pakistan kept the aspiration for 'Azaadi' alive among the Kashmiris. Suspicion among the Muslims in the region about anti-muslim agenda of BJP in power(BJP+ PDP alliance then) was another reason behind the growing unrest. Killing of Burhan Wani is another important episode to explain the cause of unrest in the region.
Burhan Wani:
Kashmiris' perspective: An educated kashmiri youth who chose to stand against the atrocities and human rights abuses.
India's perspective: A Kashmiri commander of the Pakistan-backed Hizb-ul-Mujahedeen.
Wani's death erupted a long-dormant resentment and thousands came out to attend his funeral. 100s were killed in an ill-managed response by the Indian forces? I don't know if it was right. India was caught off-guard seeing hundreds in the streets attending a terrorists' funeral!
The situation in the region has become worse since then. Kashmiris’ lives are sandwiched between the military exercise of Indian and Pakistani army in the LOC region.
Kashmir Conflict:
Now, I would like to talk about the current situation in the Kashmir Conflict.
The article I was talking about in the aforementioned para had a person's statement about the recent killings of protestors in the wake of violent protests.
Among many other things, Sartaj Aziz (Adviser to Pakistan PM on foreign affairs) said, “We call upon the international community to urge India to put an immediate end to the ongoing bloodshed of innocent Kashmiris and behave as a responsible member of the international community by honouring its commitments to hold a transparent, free and fair plebiscite under the auspices of the UN in accordance with the UNSC resolutions to ascertain the wishes of the Kashmiri people.”
Seriously, Sartaj?
The current situation in the Kashmir Conflict(Sorry for putting you through the pain of reading ^ ) is that Pakistan is using every possible opportunity to hit out at India and is pretending to be the facilitator in the peace talks. The truth however is different.
They keep shouting Plebiscite.. Plebiscite.. Plebiscite. I wonder if they have ever looked at the UNSC
Are they willing to remove their Nationals from POK? No. India has to keep its military to a bare minimum, just what's required to ensure proper law and order. The following text in the resolution says. India would never risk of withdrawing forces unless Pakistan is willing to go ahead with what UN says. I don't understand why they keep bringing the talk of 'Plebiscite'.
Plebiscite is not gonna happen. Who's obstructing the peace talks?
They’re cunning. They've allowed Pakistani Nationals to settle in the AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan region. They funded the Islamic radicals who were responsible for the Mass-migration of Pundits from Kashmir valley.
India has Article 370 instead. It forbids any Indian national to settle in J&K. The demographic has not been tampered by India.
Even if a Plebiscite were to happen, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan would most certainly opt to stay with Pakistan. Kashmir would still cry for independence. Jammu and Ladakh region would opt India. China has Sakshgam Valley. Thanks to Pakistan.
Imagine the mess!
I hope Modi government provides the people of J&K what they deserve being Indian citizens. Proper governance is the need of the hour. The key to resolving the territorial-conflict lies in the hands of Pakistan. It had always been.
Answered by
When it comes to Kashmir conflict, I believe it is redundant to use 'current' before ‘situation' because there's never a new story.
Before I talk about the conflict, I would like to talk about the current situation of J&K or IAH(Indian Administered Kashmir) to be p
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