electronic configuration with all elements
But writing the quantum numbers of electrons of an element in set notation like {2,1,-1,1⁄2} is time consuming and difficult to compare so an abbreviated form was developed. An electron configuration lists only the first two quantum numbers, n and ℓℓ, and then shows how many electrons exist in each orbital. For example, write the electron configuration of scandium, Sc: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1 . So for scandium the 1st and 2nd electron must be in 1s orbital, the 3rd and 4th in the 2s, the 5th through 10th in the 2p orbitals, etc.

This is a memory device to remember the order of orbitals for the first two quantum numbers. Follow the arrow starting in the upper right, when the arrow ends go to the next arrow and start again.
In Scandium, the 4s