English, asked by pandeyravi1995, 10 months ago

English class 7 chapter name is merchant of Venice.
1. Describe the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio.
plz answer me fast​


Answered by Anonymous
Antonio is the title character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. An influential, powerful, and wealthy nobleman of Venice, he is a middle-aged man and a merchant by trade who has his financial interests tied up in overseas shipments when the play begins. He is kind, generous, honest, and confident, and is loved and revered by all the Christians who know him, but not by the Jew Shylo

Answered by pikurawat81


  1. Answer:- Antonio and Bassanio were true friends. They were so great friends that they were willing to sacrifice their lives in order to help each other. Antonio's love for Bassanio can be seen in act1 scene 3 by his decision of sacrificing his life to his biggest foe Shylock in order to supply Bassanio with his needs .
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