Write an article on Virtual Reality using your imagination.
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Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality is one of the most incredible creation of human beings. One of the modern technology that came in existence a few years back, now has occupied a space in the field of technology.
Virtual reality use an artificial environment which is created by computer and a user enters a completely different world. Virtual reality pulls a user in a world which is not different from real world but is virtual and everything that happens does not affect the real body of the user.
Virtual reality use special equipments which is necessary for the user. Special ear phones, ear cuffs, goggles are used and these are all controlled by the computer, and the goggles used indeed monitors the actions of the user by detecting the eye movements of the user.
What do you think? Where do we use this virtual reality? Besides gaming, Virtual reality has now occupied its own place in the field of medicine, architecture, military, education and a lot more. Even the scientists believe that there is a lot more to be still explored in this technology.
Virtual reality, no doubt, is a big leap in the science world but every coin has two sides. Virtual reality is indeed a source of entertainment and information but of course it has its own disadvantages too.
Virtual reality kills our time, our precious time, time which we will never get back.
Addiction, addiction to anything is not at all desirable, as whenever we don't get what we are addicted to, we get depressed, we get hyper, we lose our temper, and that's not at all good for our mental health. Virtual reality is addictive, people may waste hours. Everything should be in a limit, no?
Virtual reality disconnects us from the real world. How it feels to be with a person who is busy on mobile everytime? It feels like you are alone and no one else is actually there with you because the person who is with you is actually in a virtual world, disconnected from the real world. Yes, Virtual reality disconnects us from the real world and we completely dissolves in the virtual world and then who knows what's going on outside that virtual world?
You don't interact with people when you are in virtual world, like when we use virtual reality in classrooms, there is no positive interactions. Nowadays, in our schools, we ask questions from teachers, we interact with teachers but it's opposite with Virtual reality.
The concept of virtual reality is different, it's just you and the software. And the education system is obviously based on interpersonal connections.
Enough of Disadvantages! Let's talk about advantages!
Positive side of virtual reality :
Virtual reality helps us to explore things and increase our level of imagination and experience. When you wear the virtual reality headset, we visualise things in a much more better way.
Virtual reality helps overcome fear. According to recent reports (I read this in Tribune) , Virtual reality succeeded in helping people overcome their fear of heights. The doctors asked the patients to wear a VR headset and then the patients found themselves to be standing on top of a tall building and then after sometime, they realised that their is nothing to be afraid about heights. If used properly, Virtual reality can be the best computer technology.
We know that we can suffer from AIDS if we do sex with multiple partners and the men who are infertile can use virtual reality to have that pleasure. People who can't just resist, can use virtual reality.
Next, Virtual reality is a source of entertainment, it's entertaining, interesting, engaging. Virtual reality creates enjoyable experiences, one can really pass their time in a perfect way. Virtual reality allows children to learn better, and children learn better if the way of teaching is interesting and virtual reality succeeded in teaching children in an enjoyable manner.
Several books are written , theme - Virtual Reality. One of the books is - The Doctrine Series (Eye of minds - Book 1) by James Dashner, best selling authority of The Maze Runner.
It's really amazing, you won't even close the book once you start reading it, and once you read it, the level of your imagination will increase and indeed, you will fall in love with virtually reality.
Virtual reality will be as common as televisions in future.
(well, make a few editions, add a few lines, replace common words with synonyms. My essay is quite ... like in normal language)
Hope it helps...!!!
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality is one of the most incredible creation of human beings. One of the modern technology that came in existence a few years back, now has occupied a space in the field of technology.
Virtual reality use an artificial environment which is created by computer and a user enters a completely different world. Virtual reality pulls a user in a world which is not different from real world but is virtual and everything that happens does not affect the real body of the user.
Virtual reality use special equipments which is necessary for the user. Special ear phones, ear cuffs, goggles are used and these are all controlled by the computer, and the goggles used indeed monitors the actions of the user by detecting the eye movements of the user.
What do you think? Where do we use this virtual reality? Besides gaming, Virtual reality has now occupied its own place in the field of medicine, architecture, military, education and a lot more. Even the scientists believe that there is a lot more to be still explored in this technology.
Virtual reality, no doubt, is a big leap in the science world but every coin has two sides. Virtual reality is indeed a source of entertainment and information but of course it has its own disadvantages too.
Virtual reality kills our time, our precious time, time which we will never get back.
Addiction, addiction to anything is not at all desirable, as whenever we don't get what we are addicted to, we get depressed, we get hyper, we lose our temper, and that's not at all good for our mental health. Virtual reality is addictive, people may waste hours. Everything should be in a limit, no?
Virtual reality disconnects us from the real world. How it feels to be with a person who is busy on mobile everytime? It feels like you are alone and no one else is actually there with you because the person who is with you is actually in a virtual world, disconnected from the real world. Yes, Virtual reality disconnects us from the real world and we completely dissolves in the virtual world and then who knows what's going on outside that virtual world?
You don't interact with people when you are in virtual world, like when we use virtual reality in classrooms, there is no positive interactions. Nowadays, in our schools, we ask questions from teachers, we interact with teachers but it's opposite with Virtual reality.
The concept of virtual reality is different, it's just you and the software. And the education system is obviously based on interpersonal connections.
Enough of Disadvantages! Let's talk about advantages!
Positive side of virtual reality :
Virtual reality helps us to explore things and increase our level of imagination and experience. When you wear the virtual reality headset, we visualise things in a much more better way.
Virtual reality helps overcome fear. According to recent reports (I read this in Tribune) , Virtual reality succeeded in helping people overcome their fear of heights. The doctors asked the patients to wear a VR headset and then the patients found themselves to be standing on top of a tall building and then after sometime, they realised that their is nothing to be afraid about heights. If used properly, Virtual reality can be the best computer technology.
We know that we can suffer from AIDS if we do sex with multiple partners and the men who are infertile can use virtual reality to have that pleasure. People who can't just resist, can use virtual reality.
Next, Virtual reality is a source of entertainment, it's entertaining, interesting, engaging. Virtual reality creates enjoyable experiences, one can really pass their time in a perfect way. Virtual reality allows children to learn better, and children learn better if the way of teaching is interesting and virtual reality succeeded in teaching children in an enjoyable manner.
Several books are written , theme - Virtual Reality. One of the books is - The Doctrine Series (Eye of minds - Book 1) by James Dashner, best selling authority of The Maze Runner.
It's really amazing, you won't even close the book once you start reading it, and once you read it, the level of your imagination will increase and indeed, you will fall in love with virtually reality.
Virtual reality will be as common as televisions in future.
(well, make a few editions, add a few lines, replace common words with synonyms. My essay is quite ... like in normal language)
Hope it helps...!!!

Great Answer dude!! Wow back in action.cool !¡ welcome back ji! remember me ?
Answered by
Virtual reality is simulated reality. Computers introduced us to the virtual world. In the virtual world one can assume any identity and no one will be the wiser. Such identities are called ‘avatars’.
This is part of its attraction. But it also has its dangers. Many youngsters today live more in the virtual world than in the real world. This has made sociopaths out of some of them. They are so used to interacting with people in the virtual world that they no longer know how to interact with real people.
In face to face encounters they may be shy and awkward. But their online personas might be the exact opposite. This is not conducive to form stable relationships with people in the real world. Computer games which are played on a computer or on a console system like the Sony Play station or Microsoft Xbox are a favorite with children and teenagers.
They spend many hours, even days, playing such games, sacrificing food and sleep. In short, it becomes an addiction. In China, such youngsters are sent to camps which are like de-addiction centers. These youngsters are known to get violent if they are not allowed to play these games
People play computer games to escape their mundane lives. Gaming allows them to live out their secret fantasies. They offer a world of excitement, challenges and non-stop action where one can indulge one’s wildest fantasies. As it is a virtual world, one can inflict harm and kill enemies knowing that it is not real and therefore harmless.
But soon one finds that it is becoming increasingly hard to tear oneself away from the game and return to the real world. Even adults get addicted and they may quit their jobs and neglect their loved ones so that they can keep on gaming with single-minded obsession.
Lives have been wrecked by such addictions. The virtual world is also a place where unknown dangers lurk. Lonely women have been lured to their deaths by strangers whom they met on the net. Pedophiles on the prowl in the virtual world assume the identities of children to lure innocent children into their trap.
So parents have to keep an eye on what their children are doing and who they are meeting on the net. Technology is only a tool. It is how we use it that matters. If we don’t use it wisely, it can even destroy us.
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