English, asked by gmugloo10, 11 months ago

english essay on pollution...for about 300 words.....answer fast its urgent


Answered by vishu592


Pollution has become the most serious issue as everyone is facing lots of health hazards in their daily life. Various types of pollutants from the industrial garbage and other activities are contaminating our natural resources like air, water, soil etc. After being mixing into the soil, air and water, they are directly affecting human beings and animals and causing variety of fatal ailments to their health.

Pollution in Cities

The rate of pollution in the cities is higher than the villages because of the vehicle transportation. Fumes from factories and industries are affecting the quality of clean air in cities and making it not fit for breathing. Soiled water from the big sewage system, garbage from the households, by-products of factories and industries get mixed in rivers, lakes and oceans making the water toxic and acidic.

Pollution in Villages

Though the rate of pollution in villages is less as compared to the cities, but the rapid urbanization has resulted in polluting the clean environment of villages too. The increase of transportation and usage of pesticides and fertilizers have highly affected the quality of air and soil in villages. It has also resulted in the contamination of the ground water leading to various diseases.

Prevention of Pollution

Pollution in cities and villages can only be prevented by raising a social awareness among people. Initiatives like reducing vehicle usage, planting more trees, limiting the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, proper disposal of industrial waste etc can be done to stop pollution. Government should also ban the usage of plastics and polythene to save our planet from the dangers of pollution.


Man-made technological advancement is the major reason of all types of pollution. So it becomes important that before the issue of pollution crosses danger line we must take strict and quick steps to curb out pollution and save our Mother Nature and environment from degrading further. Our united approach could only help us to fight pollution and save our environment from its hazards.

Answered by N3KKI

The presence of that substance in the environment which has harmful and toxic effect on it is called pollution. Environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as volcanoes and forest fires but it largely occurs due to the pollutants caused by human activities. With growth in population and rapid spread of industrialization pollution has become a global issue. The awareness for the need to protect environment from pollution has developed among the people.

Effects of Pollution:

The greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere increases the temperature of the earth. The climate change causes catastrophic change in weather.

The harmful gases in the atmosphere cause irritation in the throat and eyes, asthma as well as other respiratory problems and diseases such as lung cancer. Increased level of radiation increases the risk of skin cancer. It can also have adverse effects on cardiovascular system.

Use of fertilizers such as insecticides and pesticides reduce the soil fertility that results in reduction of crop production. This may result in famine and malnutrition.

Polluted water affects the sea organisms and aquatic life. The contaminated water when consumed by humans causes various diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and jaundice.

The excessive exposure to noise pollution can result in impaired hearing or cause deafness in human beings. It might also result in high blood pressure and coronary diseases.

Wild life is also adversely affected due to air and noise pollution. Toxic soils and water channels can kill several plants and animals. It may cause neurological damage, cancer and failure to reproduce in animals.


Pollution has several adverse effects on animals, plants, environment, ecosystem and human beings. It is a global issue and people are now being more aware of the need to prevent this problem. It is vital to control pollution to prevent its adverse effects on our environment and life in general....

Hope you understood...

Mark it as brainliest answer


N3KKI: just go away
N3KKI: don't chat ever
N3KKI: bye
N3KKI: don't u have common sense
N3KKI: i nooo how girls will chat
N3KKI: not like u
N3KKI: by reading that only we can say the user is boy or girl
N3KKI: that's all i wanted to tell
gmugloo10: hey
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