English, asked by beheraakshayakumar5, 10 months ago

Essay of 150 - 180 words on music a source of entertainment for ages


Answered by MohammadYusuf

Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing-a-long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave because she …show more content…  

When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun

Answered by HemantHai4u


Music a Source of entertainment for ages

Nowdays, peoples have create a extra time for fun, Entertain them. Many of the peoples Play Games , Many of them Watch T.V And many of them Listen music .Music Is Good source of make You calm and peaceful. Music has also a advantage , It can Relieve peoples And also entertain Them. Music is liked by all ages of peoples and it has not Give any side effects on group ages of peoples. You have listen that, Many of the religious poetries had in Music types beacause, Music calm us ,it has many benefits etc.. Thankyou

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