English, asked by dayanidivya16, 1 year ago

essay on belief in god of at least 250 words ​


Answered by Anonymous

I was taught about God at a young age. I have learned so many things about him.

I believe that God is good. I believe that God helps you through the hard times that

you have throughout your life. I believe that God will answer you when you pray to him in

those hard times. I believe that is what faith is.

My faith grew when my grandpa died. My faith grew because when I lost my

grandpa I did not know what to do. I didn't think I could go on. My Grandpa and I

were so close and he did everything with me. He came over to our house almost

every day and ate dinner with us and visited. He also spoiled me with everything you

can imagine. One of my most favorite memories was at Easter time when he bought

my sister and I a huge Little Tikes tugboat, he strapped it to the roof of his car and drove

in our driveway with it and he filled it with Easter candy. That was my Grandpa, he always

went way out for me. He never came over without something for me. Maybe some ice cream or a candy bar or a pack of gum. But he never came without anything. I loved my Grandpa so much. I prayed so hard to God to help me get over losing him. If it wasn't for God I would not have been able to get through losing him.

People don’t believe in something unless they can see it or touch it. When you

have faith you believe in something without being able to touch it or see it. That is why faith

is so powerful. To believe in God you have to have faith because you can’t see him or touch him. You only have the bible to read to guide you. I believe God is always there to guide and protect you through trouble and hard times in your life. I believe that everyone should believe in God, because he will always be there for you. I am a example, because he helped me. So I know he can help others too. He will always be your friend even if you do not have any friends. He is always there in good times and bad. And he will always love you no matter what.

God sent his only son to suffer and die on the cross and rise from the dead. He

paid the price for our sins. That is what grace is. God says whoever believes in me will be

saved and have eternal life with him in heaven. Where there is no more worry and

no more pain. I feel better knowing that my Grandpa is in heaven having fun and is in no more pain. He loved us that much, that he died for us. He is such an awesome God.

In heaven there is only happiness and joy and beautiful things. So much happiness we

cannot even imagine. There will not be sickness or evil anymore.God gives us these important verses in the Bible to help us. When we need help we can read these verses and find comfort and strength. This gets us through hard and troubled

times that we have every day and week. I have turned to these often and these are some of my favorite quotes: “For with God nothing shall be impossible” -Luke 1:36. Another one is “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” - Acts 16:31.

Answered by kumarinutansi1991



I would like to begin this paper with saying that I emphatically believe that there is only one God. I do not believe for the health of ones spiritual life that entertaining the thought or existence of multiple deities is an intelligent decision. Those that believe in multiplicity of Gods can be found in many different religions including but not limited to Christianity. I grew up being taught these false teachings about who God was and how he operated in the lives of his followers.

There is a misconception among many Pentecostals about what most 'Trinitarians' in the twenty-first century believe. Understand when I say this, I am not condoning their beliefs or teachings in any way, shape, form or fashion.

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