English, asked by Harsid, 1 year ago

Essay on Children's right and responsibilities


Answered by dishasatija
All people from their birth to the age of puberty a children. They are all delicate, innocent and dependent. They are not capable of making right decisions. They need good support from their family and society. Children occupy an important portion of every population. The future of the nation high depends upon the level of care being provided to its children who are sensitive and receptive. Actually children are the future, builders of their nation and everyone has responsibility to contribute to their all-round development.DSCN1769-1          The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 L recognized various rights for the survival, development protection and participation of children. According to it, children (from conception to i8 years of age) have a right t, name and nationality and care within a family, including good health care and nutrition. They also have, a right to good preparation for life including a stimulating education e— opportunities for games and sports and creativity. Children have a right to be protected from mistreatment or exploitation and to special provision if they are handicapped or orphans. J Finally they have right ‘to freedom ‘of expression, thought conscience and religion.
          Most countries of the world including Nepal ‘have signed the UN convention expressing their commitment to protect a’- promote the various rights of their children as laid down in it. But the condition of children in most parts of the world is good. Child labour’ still continues to remain a serious w problem. The UN estimates have stated that by the year ‘there were 375 million child labourers worldwide. Most of them in underdeveloped countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Most child labourers work long hours for small wages and are Unable to have any education and health care. Many are victims of sexual abuse as well.DSCN1761-1          Nepal alone has over 2 million child labourers who fulfill about ‘15% of the total workforce of the country. They work in factories, farms and households in various conditions of hardship, deprivation and danger. Some are even bonded as slaves. Most of these child labourers are vulnerable to physical and mental torture.- Thousands of orphans, homeless and deserted children are living in the street. Even those few sheltered in child centers are not secure and well-cared. To worsen the situation, every year, thousands of girls are traffickedIMG_3334IMG_3345         In India childrens are made to serve as prostitutes. During the conflict period,, some were used as militants. Also many of the ordinary children living with their parents are diseased, malnourished and deprived of good educational facilities.          The government has the main responsibility of guaranteeing the rights of all children. Now the constitution has recognized child rights as a fundamental right. There are several acts and regulations such as the Children Act 2048. Many NGO’s and INGO’s have programmes to support theneedy children. But our enforcement has always remained poor. Poverty, ignorance and insincere leadership stand as great challenges. Our enforcement mechanism must be made strong and effective so that our own efforts and those from international child rights agencies such as UNICEF and ILO can turn meaningful. Sincere efforts should be made to raise the economic level of many families in rural areas. Parents should also know the importance of proper childcare. To sum up, we all have parts to play for shaping the future of our children in a proper way.
Answered by stefangonzalez246


Children's rights - It is the children's right to correct younger ones and teach them as well. It is the children's right to have proper food and clothing. Also us children have the right to eat and drink, we have the right to read and write, we have the right to try new things, we have the right to play, we have the right to do things only if our parents allow us, we have the right to meet new kind of peoples, we have the right to ask and answers questions, we have the right to  determine and motivate. It is the children's right to be educated in Islam and worldly matters, the right to be taught skills and the right to be given a proper name when born. It is the children's right to be treated equally with siblings and at school and the right to be brought up with good proper manners. It is a children's right to live.

It is the responsibility of a child to look after parents when they get older and be there for them when needed, to pray five times a day, fast, respect elders, obey elders. Another responsibility is to show love and gratitude to elders, speak with respect and kindness and do anything that will make our elders happy. When someone is sick we should take care of them, stop, look and listen when your parents call you, act your age, do what elders tell you, and help everyone. If parents give us chores, it is our responsibility to do them. It is our responsibility to clean up our own mess, help younger ones, to be polite, be a good role model for younger ones, take care of things.

It is the children's responsibility to dress properly. It is also the children's responsibility to make sure they keep good company (good friends that have a good influence on you), to work hard in their studies and at school.

It is the responsibility of a child to be kind and respectful to neighbors, to greet them everyday, to cleanup their own part of the front and back yard, to keep in good touch and share good news with them.

It is the responsibility of children to take care of their pets. If you have a cat then you to make sure it has food to eat, you should clean up after it. The cat has to know that it is being wanted, and that it wants to live with you, has to be well take care of, not left alone, to be loved and cared for.


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