Social Sciences, asked by nitrogenous8890, 1 year ago

Essay on india's contribution to world peace


Answered by naman86
Ever since the achievement of independence Indiahas been assiduously striving for the promotion of peace. She has unboundedfaith in peace. She believes that peaceful conditions alone can hold out anyhope for the deliverance of mankind from the rut of so many ills it is atpresent plagued with.

Assoon as she got independence, she declared her determination to pursue the pathof peace and take effective measures for the promotion of international peace,security and co-operation.

Thisfaith of Indiais peace is in keeping with her ancient tradition and her won genius. India can besingled out as a nation which has hardly ever waged wars of aggression simplyfor self-aggrandizement. Mahavir Swami and Gautama Buddha tirelesslypreached against all kindsof violence. Their teachings were no heeded, but also acted upon by Indianemperors.

Indiahad learnt from Mahatma Gandhi that stable pace could be found on the improvementof economic condition of the people. When India got freedom, she was facedwith the gigantic task of meliorating the economic condition of her masses. Shebeloved that economic prosperity and freedom were indivisible. Hence world peace wasessential not only for her own economic development, but also for the economic development of all the backward countries of the world.

Thereare a number of powerful planks on which India’s policy of living in peacewith and for promoting peace among nations of the world rests. They are (1)Non-alignment, (2) Peaceful co-existence, (3) Economic and culturalco-operation, (4) Disarmament and use of nuclear energy for peace, (5) Settlement ofinternational disputes by peaceful means, (6) Support for nationalist movementsin different parts of the world, (7) Ending of apartheid, old andnew types of colonialism, imperialism etc. (8) Support for the U.N.O.

Inthe world full of powerful nations, armed to the teeth and filled withbellicose tendencies, Indiadeclared herself as a non-aligned country not joining either of the twopowerful military blocs. As a non-aligned country, India along with other non-alignedcountries was in a position to act as a powerful moderating force between the two warring groups.Non-alignment became a bridge between the eastern bloc committed to communistideology and the western bloc committed to democratic ideology.

Panchsheela wasconceived as a powerful weapon against war. The five principles of Panchsheela constitute an important and historicevent in teh history of international relations. These five principles shouldbe acted upon if the world is to avoid another holocaust (destruction) ofglobal war in which there will be no victor nor any vanquished. In the doctrineof Panchsheela India hascontributed a great idea of peace to the war-weary world.

Indiahas consistently pleaded the cause of disarmament. She took a leading part insigning the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963. She has advocated the use ofnuclear energy for peaceful or constructive purposes. Though capable ofdeveloping an atomic device for military purposes, she has refrained frommanufacturing an atom bomb despite the fast that their communistneighbor has exploded many atomic devices and constitutes a potential threat toher freedom and territorial integrity.

Indiastands for the solution of all international problemsby peaceful means like adjudication, arbitration, mediation, etc. She herself has setexamples of the same in her own case. Following her conflict with China, Indiaaccepted Colombo Proposals in order to avoid future wars with China andsettle all her outstanding disputes with the latter by peaceful means. In 1965 India agreed to abide by the judgment of aninternational court of arbitration on her Kutch dispute with Pakistan.

Indiahas been of the view that continuance of Colonialism, racial discrimination andimperialism in any form in a serious menace to peace. The recognition ofsovereign equality of all people living in various partof the world, and all nations’ right to political freedom is the fundamentalfactor in India’s foreign policy. From the very beginning she began tochampion the cause of nationalist movements in Asiaand other parts of the world. An Asian Relations Conference was organized byLate. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru with the sole object of getting the world to focusattention to this issue.

Indiahas rendered her full support to the united Nations in the task of putting anend to world-war. Also she contributed her share of U.N. troops to keep peacein the Congo, Gaza Strip andCyprus.She responded to the U.N. call for declaring cease-fire in her conflict with Pakistan. Shelooks upon the U.N. as a major instrument for brining about reduction ininternational tension.
Answered by rathoremangal4532


16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds16 Years, 2 Months, 0 Days

or 194 months, or 843 weeks, or 5903 days, or 8500320 minutes, or 510019200 seconds

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