English, asked by mamtasonkar3000, 10 months ago

Essay on journey of tree


Answered by Anonymous




A sixty-five year-old apple tree is growing in my front yard.

It stands perfectly centered in between my house, and my detached

two-car garage. The base of its trunk leaves the ground at a slight angle,

giving the impression that it’s leaning forward.

The surrounding ground is un-even and bumpy with roots

weaving in and out of the earth, as if they are seeking a breath of fresh air.

Unlike the rough and deeply grooved surface usually associated with trees;

my tree’s bark is smoother, and pimple like with sections scaling off in


It extends its appendages into the gentle breezes, as if stretching

from a long nap. Eager to gain strength, thirsty roots drink

springtime showers from the warming ground.

While tender young leaves unfurl from their tight cocoons, the branches

explode with thousands of white blossoms.

A telltale sign of the fruit yet to come, the flowers perfume the air

with the slightest movement. The birds welcome the tree’s return, and

build new nests in its sweetly scented arms.

The tree is full of hope, and emulates the happiness of new life

In the summer, the apple tree reaches its full glory.

Lush and green, it stands tall and proud.

The branches reach out high, tickling the power lines above it.

The leaves rustle carefree with delight, while dancing in the wind.

Full of activity and sound, it has become somewhat of an airport, as the

birds continuously fly in and out of its thick foliage.

Chirping and singing can be heard from early morning until late at night.

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