English, asked by akhtaranam065, 6 months ago

essay on life without rules


Answered by khanabdulrahman30651


Our actions and thoughts should have some limits. The human nature is very greedy and destructive. Life without rules won't be good as humans will destroy life and the nature. Our life will be worse if we don't adhere to some of the rules, which have been developed to drive us toward the right direction.

Rules are designed to ensure fairness, understanding, safety and respect - and without them, things could get chaotic and dangerous. Ultimately, unless you want to live in a cave by yourself, it's pretty impossible not to have any rules at all.

If all rules and regulations were repealed today, the nation by definition would descend into anarchy. Mass looting, criminality, and violence would consume communities since there would be no legal recourse for addressing injustices and disputes.

Rules are established to protect the weaker class in the society since they are at a disadvantage if such regulations are broken. When rules are properly set and followed, they provide a stable environment and human co-existence in a community, resulting in peace and order.


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Answered by rajkedia166


life without rules is like humans without air and water because if there is no rules in life so live is waste because if we made rules in our life than we can perform discipline and achive our goal in short,rules in life is most important key of success

so everyone must have their own rules in life

hope it will help you

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