Essay on Nature as a Mother PLEASE HELP !!!!!
God, Britney Spears is hot." Sometimes one may also hear, "She's so pretty." In either sense her beauty is greatly appreciated. Truly Britney is one of Mother Nature's finest. Women are Mother Nature's porcelain dolls. Both are fragile, tedious, and finely crafted.
Every Mother's Day Mom receives half a dozen porcelain dolls. After opening she says, "Oh that's pretty," and to the curio cabinet they go. These porcelain dolls are not intended for play; she cannot curl their hair or dress them in frills. Due to the texture and craft of the dolls, each is extremely fragile. If one were to knock a doll from its resting place, perhaps an end table, to the floor, such a careless act could cause insurmountable damage; perhaps decapitating the doll, rendering it tainted for its remaining shelf life. Therefore, the porcelain dolls are to remain behind glass where they are just for show.
Women too are very delicate. Mother Nature faceted each woman with inhibitions. Inhibitions prevent "careless acts" from happening. If one found a means to lower the inhibitions, perhaps by appealing to the urges or desires that make us human, the woman's confidence or self-worth could be compromised. Due to their innate beauty, Mother Nature must not have had much concern for reinforcing self-worth. For instance, a woman may ask if a man found her attractive. The woman has brought her guard down: under normal circumstances her inhibitions would not allow her to ask such a question. The man replies,"No," and her self-worth is left dismembered. In light of such consequences women should remain "behind glass" where they are "just for show."
Porcelain dolls, however beautiful, tend to remain very tedious. Because of their size and detail, the dolls are very difficult to clean. Each doll requires a large measure of patience: with a fi
Save Our Mother Earth
Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life.
Before 500 A.D., man had a good relationship with Mother Earth. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is not a hoax and it is coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth.