English, asked by musafir, 1 year ago

essay on "poverty is not a issue of education


Answered by Anonymous
According to me poverty is the issue of education .I think Poverty's impact on education probably depends in large measure on whether it is situational or generational poverty.  The poverty experienced by a newly divorced mother struggling to provide for her children without a husband is somewhat different from that experienced by a child of the inner city whose parent(s) and grandparent(s) have perhaps never known anything else.  In either case, however, it is difficult for a parent to prioritize a child's education when he or she is struggling daily to simply put food on the table.  If a parent is working two jobs, for example, the child may spend much time alone after school, with no one to supervise or help with homework, or even fix dinner.  The child may come to school fatigued, if no one was there to see that he or she got to bed on time, and in the poorest households, whether or not someone was there to fix dinner may be a moot point if there is no money for food.  To say that a child should just learn to want a better life for him or herself is a vast oversimplification of a complicated problem because he or she may not be aware that there is a better life anywhere.  Even if he or she were, the connection between education and attaining a better life may seem abstract at best, or just plain impossible at worst.  However, I think we have to be careful not to assume that all poor people, and their circumstances, are exactly alike, either.  There are patterns and rules, but poor people's individual situations vary just as anyone else's situation might differ from his or her neighbor's. 

Poverty effects education in so many ways and sadly I have seen it first hand. Most likely those who are in poverty attend schools with poor budgets and teachers that fail to care. That child that goes to a poverty ridden school would have less opportunities to succeed and grow rather than say some one who goes to a school in a middle working class area. Also those who are poverty ridden would have the worse nutrition and skip meals in order to save money. We all know what happens when meals are skipped. It becomes difficult to maintain a straight head aside from the constant rumbling of your tummy. If someone in poverty wanted to continue their education it would be really difficult without digging into more debt especially with the price of attending college now a days.
Answered by PK78000

Poverty is general scarcity, dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. It is a multifaceted concept, which includes social, economic, and political elements. Poverty may be defined as either absolute or relative. Absolute poverty or destitutionrefers to the lack of means necessary to meet basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter.Relative poverty takes into consideration individual social and economic status compared to the rest of society.

After the industrial revolution, mass production in factories made production goods increasingly less expensive and more accessible. Of more importance is the modernization of agriculture, such as fertilizers, to provide enough yield to feed the population. Responding to basic needs can be restricted by constraints on government's ability to deliver services, such as corruption, tax avoidance, debt and loan conditionalities and by the brain drain of health care and educational professionals. Strategies of increasing income to make basic needs more affordable typically include welfare, economic freedoms and providing financial services.

Poverty reduction is a major goal and issue for many international organizations such as theUnited Nations and the World Bank. The World Bank forecasts that 702.1 million people were living in extreme poverty in 2015, down from 1.75 billion in 1990. Of these, about 347.1 million people lived in Sub-Saharan Africa (35.2% of the population) and 231.3 million lived inSouth Asia (13.5% of the population). Between 1990 and 2015, the percentage of the world's population living in extreme poverty fell from 37.1% to 9.6%, falling below 10% for the first time.Nevertheless, given the current economic model, built on GDP, it would take 100 years to bring the world's poorest up to the previous poverty line of $1.25 a day.Extreme poverty is a global challenge; it is observed in all parts of the world, including developed economies.UNICEF estimates half the world's children (or 1.1 billion) live in poverty.It has been argued by some academics that the neoliberal policies promoted by global financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank are actually exacerbating both inequality and poverty.

PK78000: Mark as brainliest.
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