English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Essay on Science and Technology in 500 words


Answered by ashish909156
The implication of science and technology to the people’s life is very old from the time of Indus Valley Civilization. It was almost first invention when came to know about fire and wheel. Both of the inventions are considered as the mother of all the technological innovations of the modern time. Through the invention of fire people knew about the power of energy first time. Since then, people’s curiosity was increased and they started trying their hard to research about various measures to make life style easy and simple.

India is a most famous country all over the world from the ancient time however after its slavery by the British rule, it had lost its recognition and strength. After getting freedom in 1947, it again had started getting its lost recognition in the crowd. It is the science and technology which has helped India to get its real recognition all over the world. India has become a highly growing country through the new inventions in science and technological advancement. Science and technologies are playing great role in meeting the needs and requirements of the modern people.

Some examples of the advancement in the technologies are establishment of railway system, metro system, railway reservation system, internet, super computers, mobiles, smart phones, online access of people in almost every area, etc. Government of India is creating more opportunity to the space organization and several academic institutions (Indian Association for the Advancement of Science) for the better technological growth and development in the country. Some of the renowned scientists of the India who have made possible the technological advancement in India (through their notable scientific researches in the various fields) are Sir J. C. Bose, S. N. Bose, C. V. Raman, Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, Srinivasa Ramanujan, father of India’s nuclear power, Dr. Har Govind Singh Khorana, Vikram Sarabhai, etc.

Answered by Anonymous

Science and Technology is a boon for mankind. The standard of living in society gets much better and better with every invention and innovation takes place around the world. The power to communicate with a person living thousands of miles away using a small device that fits right in your palm is an incredible technology human has come up with. Similarly unraveling the mysteries of why things happen the way it happens makes us all curious to know what is the science behind it. Science is the way of assuming various possibilities regarding how the universe works, collecting data to find out pattern and insights of our existence. Technology is putting science into work, engineers implement the theories derived on paper and make a physically usable product or virtually usable software. In simple words, science is discovering why the sky is blue or why rainbow has only 7 colors, why the earth is round and on the other hand, technology is making an airplane to fly in the sky. The constant contribution of Science and Technology over the centuries is the reason our living has become so easy. Imagine if great inventors like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison refused to chase their insane ideas of inventing the light bulb, remote control, AC/DC current, our 21st-century generation might have been still stuck at spinning the wheel with bare hands. We still use years of discovered scientific theories to implement new technology in the real world. But the inventions we use for development and advancement of life can also be the reason for our extinction such case like Facebook Artificial Intelligence Robots created its very own communication language that humans could not understand, this could be a threat knowing that machine who can think on its own and make its own decision refusing to abide the laws implemented by its creators can pose a threat to our lives in future. The science and technology has its advantages and disadvantages it depends on how we use it whether to communicate with another person sitting on the edge of the earth or to drop an atomic bomb in a city disrupting world peace. From Whatsapp to War, making rubber to robots the uses and misuses of the gift of science and technology define whether it is a blessing or a curse to mankind. Today we use Science and Technology in the day to day life, vehicles to commute days of long distance journey, the smart watch tells us our heartbeat rate and calories intake, mobiles and computers for communication and businesses, automatic robots for industrial works. Science and technology benefit improving the fields like education development, schools use digital education for teaching purposes it is a more interactive way of delivering knowledge to children. In rural development, farmers use advanced methods to grow crops, digital medium to make sales. Technology is used for making missiles and high tech surveillance for strengthening security to eliminate threats from outside countries also to monitoring criminal activities inside the country. However, the entertainment sector like in games and sports, high tech camera technology allows us to watch replays of the bizarre moments in slow motion also to calculate at what speed the ball is thrown. Virtual gaming creates a digital world that gives us feeling of actually being present in the game. Science put forth faith in humanity that nothing is impossible, humans stepping on the moon is the best possible explanation, it has also bridged the gap between countries building the pillars of world peace and harmony. In a developing country like India, the role of science and technology in education plays an important role in sustainable development. Our education based on science and technology has open doors for youngsters who have driven innovation for self-reliance.The recent launch of 104 satellites in the space by ISRO(Indian Space Research Organization) in one go is one the best achievements of India in Science and Technology whole world appreciated the success on national television and social media. To abuse or to better use is in our hands we can use it as a blessing by giving a second chance to a specially abled person like Stephen Hawking, cure the deadly diseases like Ebola, make the world a better place or a curse by using it for terrorist activities. Conclusion To conclude I would say Science and Technology advancements will profit human development in the future for sure. Healthcare, Gaming, Sports, Engineering, Communication, Geography etc. Each field has given a mass contribution to the world to fight against deadliest diseases, fast communication, knowledge access from around the world, ease of transportation and business and much more.

Thank You!!❤❤

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