essay on small steps of fuel conservation can make a big change
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Srk6 ✯ Brainly star ✯
here some new point on fuel bcz i had given same questions answered first..
》 Fuel is an essential part of our life, whatever we use in our daily lives, is run by fuel.
》 Fuel plays an important role until it runs from automobile to cooking, and it is impossible to imagine life without this important resource.
》 But the way we are using fuel in today's scenario, it is going to disappear from our planet soon.
》The Petroleum Conservation Research Union encourages fuel conservation to reduce the consumption of gasoline and to increase alternative sources of energy.
》But until we humans, do not conserve fuel and use renewable sources of energy, problems can not be solved.
》 Excessive and unplanned use of fuel is not only a threat to future generations, but is also seriously affecting our present.
》We all know that when fuel is burnt, then harmful carbon dioxide gas is produced which is the leading cause of global warming.
》There are many harmful consequences of the increase in temperature such as the melting of the glacier, the increase in flood and sea levels in low-altitude areas.
》 If such conditions persist, then there may be serious consequences in the near future. In addition to harming the environment, air pollution can lead to many diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD and lung cancer.
Due to the lack of fuel, we have to import it from other countries at a very high price, which directly or indirectly affects India's economic development.
》 The increase in petrol prices and poor quality of fuel are due to the rising demand of petroleum. Therefore fuel conservation should be given a prominent place in the society.
》 Fuel Conservation is our collective responsibility as it is our duty to create a healthy and prosperous environment for our future generations, and being a parent is our ethical responsibility to give our children a healthy and safe environment.
》If each of us uses the fuel wisely and sensibly, then we can definitely save our environment and future for future generations.
》 Small steps towards fuel conservation can bring a big change
There are several ways to conserve fuel, using alternative sources such as the best solar energy to save fuel.
》 Fuel can be protected from proper use of vehicles. Use of bicycle and walking should be encouraged, which will also be a good exercise for our body.
》》We should encourage carpooling or scooter pools to save fuel and reduce traffic on the road, which will also help us to get rid of long traffic jams. Using public transport such as metro, buses and shared cabs will also help in preserving fuel.
》》》Air conditioners should not be used at all times, it should only be used during extreme heat, which will reduce the consumption of petrol.
》》》 Detection of vehicle can reduce the waste of fuel.
The best way to conserve fuel is to use alternate sources of energy.
¡》》The increasing demand for energy can not be met with the use of fossil fuels. Only the use of renewable energy sources is the best option in today's scenario.
》》》 The use of solar, water and wind energy can definitely help in fuel conservation.
Economic activity and growth in trade have increased the demand for transport sector, which means more vehicles which increase fuel use and pollution.
》》》The use of electric vehicles (EVs) on roads can solve this problem. The government has to encourage people to prevent pollution that they use the maximum of electronic vehicles.
》》In the end, it would be right to say that in order to save our he
is it correct because i have to give it in my school competition.....
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considering individual scale ,fuel conservation can help you save money and make you a better person because you will become more disciplined .it can help in personal development also. But when we speak on the macro scale ,it not possible to observe a significant saving in fuel conservation only if fuel conservation is done by everybody , there can be any significant change .but that is not going to happen. Let,s focus on individual gains rather than global gains .even calculating how much fuel have been saved is almost impossible.
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