English, asked by introvart, 10 months ago

essay on superstitions and omens​


Answered by vkapoor102004



As soon as we hear this so-called word 'Omen' we squeeze our nose and feel like the people of this modern age. The people who are living in the 'Scientific era' and this appears to be a matter of great shame if they believe upon this seemingly trash. But I ask you one question and please give me your answer right straight to your heart. Have you ever searched about these things like an unbiased scientist? Science says that we must leave out some of the things since they are nothing but mere co-incidences without any significance at all. Conversely, saints say in the God's creation everything has reason. Who is right saint or scientist? Have you ever taken enough pain to search out the reality? Or you just veiled yourself in the scientific dogmatism as soon as you come across these things? Tell me are you just the gramophone that runs on to sing the already recorded song? Newton invented the theory of gravity since he did not pass on the so-called common phenomena occurring from centuries. He got something uncommon in the falling of the 'Apple'. The 'Apple' which has become legend now. If Newton would have passed on this incident as mere co-incidence he had lost his eternity. He got eternity because he saw the uncommon in the common. He was not a common man who sees everything without any new perspective at all. But what about you? Every man is a born scientist, once he understands that he has also the same mind as all have. The difference borders on very thin line when we turn ourselves escapists to say 'Friends we are not scientists we are common human beings'.  

In the Vedas it is written in the clearest of terms that the whole universe is nothing but an idea. I took this truth straight to my heart. Then I heard Vivekananda's s...

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... The severity and the violent nature of the omens clearly showing the karmas were very far from being good. However, karmas emanate from a particular habit. The habit was his selfishness, which projected the question. So, behind his karmas his tendency of selfishness must be responsible. And this selfishness must be great because the omens were bordering upon abnormality. God message was clear "the boy would not be able to start his career unless he uproots his inherited root of selfishness".  

However, at last the burning of incense in front of a deity was like the silver lining between the dark clouds. It was clearly indicating that the boy would be able to eradicate his deficiency of selfishness, which simultaneously led to start his career.  

But why this so called selfishness caused hindrances in his career? It is the mystery, which I leave upon you to unravel. Read Full Essay

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