English, asked by mdatifraza926p2ko4c, 1 year ago

Essay on tree contribute in a great way to civic good


Answered by Ankit02
Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe
A man who plants a tree directly or indirectly helps many people in the neighbourhood in many ways to live a better life on earth including helping them with oxygen, cool shade, rain and a greener and cleaner surrounding. He also helps the future generations by planting a “forest’s heritage” and “harvest of a coming age”. Thus he performs his duty towards society by planting a tree. Moreover, plantation is a symbolic act of goodness which alone can generate many other acts of goodness. So, the attitude of the entire society would change to a positive and helpful one. It leads to the nation’s growth in the long term. That is why the poet opines that a tree planter does it “from far-cast thought of civic good”.
Food is one of the most important need of human and trees provide us food.
Trees are the source of many of the world's best known fleshy fruits. Apples, pears, plums, cherries and citrus are all grown commercially in temperate climates and a wide range of edible fruits are found in the tropics. Other commercially important fruit include dates, figs and olives. Palm oil is obtained from the fruits of the oil palm The fruits of the cocoa tree are used to make cocoa and chocolate and the berries of coffee trees, Coffea , are processed to extract the coffee beans. In many rural areas of the world, fruit is gathered from forest trees for consumption
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