English, asked by shaikaman7871, 1 year ago

Essay on values of books not more than 100 words


Answered by Adi3097
1619 Words Essay on the Value of Books

Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age. They support us under solitude and keeps us from becoming a burden to ourselves.

There are other plus points, too. They help us forget the littleness and matinees of people around us. They soothe our frayed nerves. They make our frustrations sleep.

Many inspire us to action, teaching life is action. Passivity is akin to death. Others enlighten our dark minds, penetrating the mind, yet others heal wounds of the soul as the bleeding heart. An Egyptian king defined such books as “the medicines of the soul.”

Books exercise a silent power on the sensitive mind. They lend a joy and a delight, which is exclusive to the reader as it is precious. Silent, passive and noiseless, they set in motion countless multitudes and change even the character of nations, much more than individuals.

They are a potent weapon because the printed word has a power of its own. Lord Byron says, “A drop of ink can make millions think.” Alexander the Great was respectful as well as fearful of books. It is said when he conquered a country, he ordered its libraries to be burnt.

We can understand Alexander’s apprehension of books creating long-range unrest against him. Milton puts it, “A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose for a life beyond.”

The famous French writer, Voltaire, says, “the entire known world, excepting savage nations, is governed by books.” This is close to “except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book.”

There is a profound reason for it because, next to our soul, a book is the only thing that takes us to immortality. Who are the people, men, and women who have come, down to us from generations?

They are the people who have left us something worthwhile in the form of books. Minus them, we would have been mentally bankrupt, so to say. We have to lose and find ourselves in the books of others. That is one way of identifying ourselves with it.
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