essay protection of environment
From last several decades we humans have been degrading our mother earth & its resources on the name of development of technology. On the name of increasing our standards of living unknowingly we are on the way of hampering it further. Today we’ve come so far that it is no more a question of better living but it is just about living now.
Nature has an amazing quality of reviving itself against changes made in itself by natural and manmade factors, but there it has a saturation level too and maybe we have already crossed that. We have degraded it beyond repair. We have accounted to enough deforestation to imbalance the required ratio of carbon dioxide; we have impregnated the water resources with hazardous wastes enough that it cannot purify it further on its own. Soil has been degraded until the level it loses its cultivability. Problems are beyond the count and a perfect solution yet to be found.
We have gone too far and it is already too late. If we don’t start working now, we won’t have tomorrow to repent. It is no more a matter of protecting environment, but it’s about protecting us from getting into danger any further. It is the time to make amends with the nature so that it can grant us few more centuries of human existence in our home, Earth.
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Protection of environment
The word environment is made up of two words “Environ and Ment or Cover”, in which Environ means around us, that is,around us, and ‘cover’ that surrounds us. The environment is the total unit of all the physical, chemical and biological factors that affect an organism or ecological population and determine their form, life, and life.
This day declared by the United Nations is celebrated to bring political and social awakening towards the environment globally. It began in 1972 at the World Environment Conference organized by the United Nations General Assembly from 5 June to 16 June. The first World Environment Day was observed on 5 June 1973.
The biological components of the environment include everything from microorganisms to insects, insects, animals and plants and all the biological activities and processes associated with them. While the inorganic components of the environment contain non-living elements and their associated processes, such as mountains, rocks, river, wind and climate elements, etc.
In general terms, it is a unit consisting of all biological and abiotic elements, facts, processes and events that affect our lives. It pervades all of us and every event in our lives depends on it and is edited. All actions performed by humans, directly and indirectly, affect the environment. Thus, there is also a relation between an organism and the environment, which is interdependent.
On the basis of human intervention, the environment can be divided into two parts, the first is the natural or natural environment and man-made environment. This division is in accordance with the excess and decrease of the amount of human intervention in natural processes and conditions.
Environmental problems such as pollution, climate change, etc. are motivating humans to rethink their lifestyle and now the need for environmental protection and environmental management is important. Today, what we need most is to make the general public and educated readers aware of the issue of environmental crisis.